Author's Note: This is the POV assignment for Angels and Demons. It's not done yet but yeah i had to post it because im writing it in blogger
Angels and Demons is told from the perspective of a guy name Robert Langdon. He's a guy who knows a lot about symbols and religious history and other things along those lines. He gets called to investigate a murder at CERN where the Illuminati symbol was left on the body. There are some things that he doesn't really know about. A lot of the stuff at CERN has to do with science so with that stuff he doesn't really know about it, but he knows a lot about religion and history.When the Illuminati symbol came up, he was probably a lot more worried than Kohler because he knew more about it.
The head of CERN is Mr. Kohler, who obviously knows a lot about science. We would probably get more information on science related aspects to the story, but not get as much related to history and religion. When the body was found and the Illuminati symbol was found, he probably wasn't as scared as Langdon was because he doesn't know much about the Illuminati. But when Vittoria Vetra was explaining about the stolen anti-matter, Kohler knew things were bad right away and Robert Langdon did not.
Here's the scene I wrote from the point of view as Mr. Kohler.
I could tell Mr. Langdon was getting nervous. I wasn't quite sure why. It could have just been a prank, but then again who would kill someone as a prank? That was what Langdon thought it was, a prank. He was having a hard time grasping the fact that it was probably the real Illuminati. Something about the Illuminati made this Langdon guy all worried. I have heard of them, but they don't exactly cause me to panic. At least he knows what he's talking about.
Maybe it was the body that was doing it to Langdon. He was trying not to look at it, and he had a sick look on his face. I didn't exactly like the look of the body, it was pretty gruesome, but it was what it was. I didn't have the energy anymore to worry about it.
I was losing patience with Mr. Langdon and his inability to accept the facts, but he was the only person I had. I knew going to anybody else would make this whole thing public, which was not what we needed at CERN right now. I would have to cope with things and get things done.
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